How we print our artwork.


We use Giclée printing for our art prints. Giclée uses high quality, fade-resistant, pigment-based inks. When applied to high quality archival papers it provides, light-fast, vibrant art prints you can love for a lifetime.

The types of paper we use.


We use a range of quality archival art papers from highly textured to smooth to glossy. Each one is hand-picked to suit the artist and art. As well as the different textures (surface) each range has a slightly different weight (thickness). While you browse through our artworks and artists you'll see we give a brief description of the paper we've chosen for each print. This will give an indication of how your print will look when it arrives. If you have any questions about the paper your print is specified with, please get in touch.

What about paper sizes?


Our prints come in varied shapes and sizes. Many of our prints use the A sizing system. They work well for A-sized readymade frames. These common A sizes and measurements are:

594mm x 841mm
420mm x 594mm
297mm x 42mm
210mm x 297mm
148mm x 210mm

Other sizes which also fit commonly found readymade frames are 70 x 100cm, 50 x 70cm, 40 x 50cm and 30 x 40cm.

To mount or fit to frame?


Most of our prints are designed to fit into a frame with the dimension of the print. If you choose to mount your print (add a border) and we recommend you seek advice from a professional framer as to the best way to frame your print.